The collection of art and objects along with the supporting archive is the core of the Foundation. The scope of the collection includes work by Moholy-Nagy, by faculty and students of the original Bauhaus in Germany (1919-1933) and by faculty and students of Moholy’s Chicago schools from 1937 to the present. Already more than eight thousand items have been donated by the creators themselves, by their families and friends and through the generosity of many others. 

This growing collection has great potential for exhibitions, both by the Foundation and as loaned items to others. We displayed many collection items in our 2013 exhibition, “Chicago’s Bauhaus Legacy”, and we loaned items to the 2015-2016 Black Mountain College Museum exhibition, “Convergence/Divergence”, which explored relationships between Black Mountain College and Moholy’s Chicago schools. This special exhibition was curated by Michael Reid.

We see our website as the best tool to disseminate Moholy’s educational principles not only in words, but very importantly through the works of art and design by all connected. Over time we plan to post images from the collection, first by the hund-reds, then thousands. We simply desire to be a growing resource promoting the history and diverse materialization of Moholy’s legacy in Chicago.

Those who wish to contribute art, objects, printed matter or other archival materials to the BCF collection should contact Paul Young Student work and life work of faculty and students are very important. We have  been known to make a “run” of some distance when there was material in jeopardy of being lost. 

Art and Objects:      
Paintings, drawings, prints, collages, photographs and photograms, sculpture, posters, graphic design, environmental design, product design, toys, industrial design, packaging, illustration, book design, furniture, lighting, textiles, pottery, jewelry, architecture, city planning

The Archive           
Library:  books, periodicals & printed matter: Moholy-Nagy, Bauhaus, student & teachers of the I.D. & Bauhaus, Chicago, exhibit catalogues and general works on art, architecture and design, predominately 20th century

Research Files:  documents, photographs, class notes, student & teacher papers, subject files, correspondence, ephemera

Media:  film, tape and digital recordings, VHS, DVD, cassettes, 35mm. and glass transparencies, phonograph recordings, oral histories and record digital images of the BCF collection

Database:  a research database to establish a detailed school chronology of the staff, faculty, guest lecturers, students, exhibitions, music and dance performances, films and special events from the 1937 founding of the New Bauhaus

​​BCF Collection Overview.


From the Collection

This section is under construction, with many images, captions and biographies to be added.

     Aaron, David (1920-1984), student c1942-44, teaching 1945+

         Allen, Harold (1912-1988), student c 1938-40                       
► Altschuler, Franz (1923-2009), student 1945-48, teaching c1954-61               
► Altschuler, Dori Hahn (b 1925), student 1952, evening classes       
 Aron, Gunther (1923-2014), student 1950-52, evening classes                        

         Aron, Geraldine Nelson (b 1922), student 1957, evening classes                 

         Apatoff, William

 Balchowsky, Edward (1916-1989), student c1945-46+, a rare scholarship student

        Barazani, Morris (1924-2016), student 1947-48
Bartolucci, Edgar (1918-2014), student 1942-43  
Beaver, Bert (1921-2012), student late 1940s
Bedno, Edward (b 1925), student c1949-52, teaching 1960s

        Benyas, Robert (1923-2014), student 1946-49                              
Blaser, Werner (b 1924), student early 1950s
Boyer, Wayne (1937- ), student late 1950's early 1060's

         Brownjohn, Robert (1925-1970), student 1944-46+, teaching 1949-1950                  

C      Caputo, Edward (b1924), student c1946-50        
 ► Cato, Robert (1923-1999), student c1944-47
Chermayeff, Ivan (b1932), student 1952-54, teaching                                          
Colyer, Lera S. (Sokolik) (1906-1987), student late 1940s
Connor, Jay (d c2000), student 1946-48
Dana, Eugene F. (1912-1996), teaching 1948-65
Dean, Clark Edward (b 1926), student 1946-1950                                     
Diefenderfer, William F. (unknown), student late 1940s                                      
Dimmitt, Donald P. (b 1931), student 1946-48, 1950-52
Dvorak, Lois (1934-1993), student 1954

E      Ehrman, Marli Heiman (1912-1982), teaching 1940-43, 1945-47

Farb, Leonard (1915-2005), student 1940-41, 1949-50 evening            
Fineberg, Sumner (b 1922), student 1945-48
Fingerman, Sandra (unknown), student late 1940s          
Fuller, R. Buckminster (1912-1996), teaching 1948-49 

Garrett, Lillian (Workman) (unknown), student c1943+, -1955, teaching 1950s     
Genchek, Robert Anthony (b 1929), student 1947-51
Gittleman, Len (b 1932), student 1950-54
Goldsholl, Millie (1920-2012), student 1943-45
Godfrey, Eugene Harmon (1918-2000), student 1946-50

        Greenberg, Florence (unknown), student c 1945-48
Grooman, Homer (1921-1994), student c1946-48                        
Grosowsky, Harold (1919-1961), student c1946-50         

Harris, Kay (unknown), student c1946-49
Hedge, M. Eugene (b 1928), student 1949-53
Helmer-Petersen, Keld (1920-2014), student 1950-51, teaching evenings 1950-51    
Huendorf, Ruth (Dean) (b 1926), student 1947-51            

I        Inan, M.Z (unknown), student early 1950s


Karpuszko, Kazimir (1925-2009), student c1954-57        
Keig, Susan Jackson (b 1918), student 1945-46, teaching 1956 
Kendall, Jean (Glazer) (b 1922), student 1945+

         Kessler, Leslie (unknown), student c 1951-54

        Knille, Robert Anthony (unknown), student c1952-55

         Kohn, Misch (1916-2003), teaching 1949-72 
Koppe, Richard (1916-1973), student 1937-38, teaching 1948-65

​         Kropp, David Arthur (b 1933), student 1952-56
Kozman, Myron (1916-2002), student 1937-38/40+, teaching 1942-43            
Kula, Elsa (Pratt) (b 1918), student 1939-42, teaching 1939-42

Laliberté, Norman J. G. (b 1925), student 1950-1955
Lanham, June (Holmes) (d) student early 1950s
Lea, Mary Ann C. Dorr (1931-2014), student 1951-55
Lerner, Nathan B. (1913-1997), student 1937-43, teaching 1939-42, 1945-49, 1952-54
Lewandowski, Leon Ralph (d), student c1951-55                                                            
Lindsay, Jeffrey (unknown), student c1946-50       

 Martinez, Raúl (1927-1995), student 1952-53
Masker, Hiller (1923-2015), student 1944-48, teaching 1948-52
Mayer, Lyle (b-1968), student -1951, teaching 1951-60s
McConoughey, Helen (1924-2008), student early 1950s                                                             
Meyer, Burton C. (b1926), student 1949-52

        Moholy-Nagy, László (1895-1946), Director, teaching 1937-46                              -                                
Morton, Suzette (Hamill Zurcher Davidson) (1911-1996), student 1940s

N      Nickel, Richard Stanley (1928-1972), student 1948-54                
Nickle, Robert (1919-1980), student 1944, 1946-49, teaching 1951-54  
Nicoloff, Alex (1923-2013), student 1946-49, 1953-54                                         
Niedringhaus, Charles (1915-2002), student 1939-42, teaching 1940-41

        Nitti, Joseph (unknown), student late 1940s 
Nunemaker, Wesley (unknown), student late 1940s

Paul, Arthur (b 1925), Student, 1946-50
Pavlicek, Richard J. (unknown), student 1937-38

        Pearson, E. Ray (1921-1986), teaching 1950-86, setting the record for duration and students touched!   
Phillips, Lowell (unknown), student late 1940s                                          
Pinzke, Herbert (1917-1992), student c1946-50, teaching…                                                      
Porter, Allen (b 1926), student 1946-50
Pratt, Davis (1923-1991), student, 1940-41+                                                                                 
Prestini, James (1908-1993), student, 1939+, teaching 1940-41, 1945-47+

        Pritikin, Max (b 1916), student 1945-48                       


 Reiner, Jan Jindrich (1909-2010), teaching 1940-41​

​       Reynolds, Charles B. (1935-2015), student early 1950s
Reynolds, John (unknown), student c1946+ 
Rosenzweig, Martin (1918-2002), student c1946-1953    

Scheuss, Robert (unknown), student 1937-38                                                       
Schultz, Moses Richard (b 1926), student 1946-51          
Scrivens, Hope (Taylor) (1923-2014), student 1944-48
Sinsabaugh, Art (1924-1983), student 1945-49, teaching 1945-52

        Siskind, Aaron (1903-1992), teaching 1951-71 
Slick, Mary Jo (Godfrey) (1924-2013), student 1946-50
Smith, Henry Holmes (1909-1981), teaching 1937-38
Sondin, Julian Edwin (1925-1998), student c1946-50
Steifel, Peter (unknown), student c1946-48
Steiner, Simon D. (1916-1984), student, 1945-1948, -1953                                                                   
Swenson, Jan (unknown), student 1946+

Tague, Robert Bruce (1912-1984), student 1939-41, teaching 1940-44, 1946-50 
  Takano, Tadao (1926-2010), student 1948-51
Takeuchi, Beatrice (b 1921), student 1942-1944, teaching c1944 
Testa, Angelo (1918-1984), student 1942-45
Thompson, Mili (1923-2015), student 1945-49                                                                              
Titel, Irving (1921-1995), student c1946, teaching 1948-50 
 ► Train, Michael (unknown), student c1950-54

Unknown, Artist or Designer

Varro, Margit (1882-1978), teaching 1948-52+ 
Voulis, Aspasia (Tomchuck) (1926-2001), student c 1945+

Waldheim, Jack (b -2002), student 1942-43+ 
Walley, John E. (1910-1974), teaching 1946-50+ 

         Walter, Harold F. (1909-2007), teaching 1946-50+ 

        Weber, Hugo (1918-1971), teaching 1946-52+ 
Weegee, (Arthur Fellig) (1899-1968), teaching summer 1946





©2016 Bauhaus Chicago Foundation

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​BCF is an non profit organization dedicated to preserving the legacy of László Moholy-Nagy’s schools.